Monday, August 13, 2007

Fort Cronkhite Hike

Recently on weekends we (Lisa, Alexa and I) have been doing to some hiking around bay area parks. What we have found are some breathtaking views that are just a short walk from the parking lot. On a recent outing we visited Fort Cronkhite, located in the Marin Headlands just north of the golden gate bridge. Fort Cronkhite is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation area. The fort is a former World War II military post that stands at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. Today it is one of the few preserved examples of these World War II "mobilization posts" remaining in the country. The fort's barracks, mess halls, supply buildings, and other structures are preserved to tell the story of the soldiers who waited here for an enemy that never came.

From the parking lot take the trail that heads north into the Marin Headlands coast line. You will see signs that say "Battery Townsley". As you get up the hill the trail splits into paved and unpaved trails. The unpaved trail goes lower and closer to the ocean, and the paved trail goes higher and ends at the battery. Both trails are very safe, well marked, and easy going once you get up the first hill. If you have a young one in a stroller, the paved trail is the best option. After about a ten minute walk, this is what you will see.

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